Religious Culture - CRE - is the sector of the Department of Theology oriented to the formation of professionals, from all areas of knowledge, who are able to take a stand before the contemporary challenges that involve the relationship between religions, ethics and cultures, in a sensitive, critical and transforming way.

Closely linked to the identity and mission of PUC-Rio, Religious Culture realizes its nature, primarily, through mandatory courses, oriented to all undergraduate students of the University, with the exception of Theology students. In these courses, the aim is to develop knowledge in values and criteria for critical thinking and acting in face of scientific and ideological pluralism and the challenges present in a globalized, multicultural and pluri-religious society, marked by social injustices and serious environmental problems. The content of the courses is based on an integral vision of the human being and is referenced by the Christian proposal.

The Religious Culture courses are developed in four stages, which aim at:

1st Stage - CRE1100 - The Human and the Religious Phenomenon (04 credits)
Awakening interest for a reflection on the human person and the religious phenomenon in its various expressions;

2nd Stage - CRE0700 - Christianity Elective Group (04 credits)
To identify the core of the Christian message, in critical and open dialogue with the challenges of the present world and the different cultures and religions;

3rd Stage - CRE1141 - Christian Ethics (02 credits)
Develop the ethical dimension of human activity, in the light of the Christian proposal, stimulating in the students a commitment to the construction of more just and solidary social and planetary relations;

4th Stage - Socioenvironmental Ethics and Human Rights (02 credits)
To analyze and recognize the current socio-environmental crisis, along with the realization of human rights in contemporary society, in its deepest causes and symptoms, in the light of the Christian perspective and in an interdisciplinary dynamic.

Students must take four courses, completing 12 credits. All four courses are offered in both face-to-face and distance learning modalities.



Director: Prof. Waldecir Gonzaga
Coordinator: Prof. Abimar Oliveira de Moraes
Academic Supervisor of discipline (CRE1100): Prof Renato da Silveira Borges Neto
Academic Supervisor of discipline (CRE0700 Group): Prof. Claudio Jacinto da Silva
Academic Supervisor of discipline (Ethics): Prof. Eva Aparecida Rezende de Moraes
Coordination Assistant: Patricia Helena Larangeiras da Silva
Administration Assistant: Ademar dos Anjos Mariano
Administration Assistant: Diego Almeida da Silva


Academic Committee

President: Prof. Abimar Oliveira de Moraes



Director of the Theology Department: Prof. Waldecir Gonzaga
CCS Representative: Andrea Clapp Salvador
CTC Representative: Marcelo de Andrade Dreux
CTCH Representative: Vera Moreira dos Santos Nojima
University Pastoral Representative: José Abel de Souza
Academic Supervisor of discipline (CRE1100): Prof Renato da Silveira Borges Neto
Academic Supervisor of discipline (CRE0700 Group): Prof. Claudio Jacinto da Silva Prof. Claudio Jacinto da Silva
Academic Supervisor of discipline (Ethics):  Prof. Eva Aparecida Rezende de Moraes
Employee: Patricia Helena Larangeiras da Silva



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