The Graduate Theology course at PUC-Rio has been developing its activities since 1968. It offers the title of Bachelor of Theology, with ecclesiastical recognition (Holy See, 1972) and civil recognition (MEC, Ordinance 2602, of 07/25/2005). It is the result of an entire reflection carried out following the orientations of the Second Vatican Council, with the purpose of making the Christian faith tradition current, as a service to all of humanity, always working to overcome all kinds of violence and suffering caused by injustices. In this sense, the presence of Theology in the University is a precious heritage that is built on contact with other knowledges and sciences.



The profile of the course is one of biblical-theological-pastoral integration, from its two fields: Bible and Systematics. Besides the classes and seminars in classrooms, the course also provides various moments of encounters, meetings, debates, discussions, symposiums, congresses, seminars, theological weeks, exchanges with other universities in other countries, etc. It confers the title of Bachelor in Theology, and allows for further studies towards Master's and Doctorate degrees.

The Department of Theology has a staff of qualified professors, all of whom are PhDs in the most varied areas of the biblical-theological sciences. This faculty permanently develops lines of research in the biblical-theological-pastoral areas, publishing them in books and specialized magazines, inside and outside the Department.

PUC-Rio's undergraduate students have at their disposal computers connected to the international network, via internet, at the RDC, a specialized library (encyclopedias, dictionaries, books, magazines, theses, databases and interlibrary loan), as well as adequate didactic and pedagogical materials. They also have their own guild and representation, and have the possibility to participate in the PIBIC (Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program), a CNPq program that aims to awaken scientific vocations and encourage new talents among undergraduate students, preparing them for entry into graduate studies.





To apply for a Theology degree, candidates must meet one of the following requirements:

In addition, the candidate is required to appear for an interview with the Coordinator.


Deadlines for completing the course

For detailed information about the Theology degree and the documentation required to apply for the vestibular or for admission as a holder of a Higher Diploma, please contact the Theology Department's undergraduate secretary: